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  • On Hiatus until Spring 2020
  • "Darts" game show pilot. Pilot 1 - Coming Spring 2020.
  • "Cooking" show pilot. - Coming Spring 2020.

Welcome to "The Chris Ventura Show" Website.
Classic Conway and Steckler from 1997! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Ventura   
Tuesday, 02 June 2009 18:43

A little something for all those Conway and Steckler fans out there. I found an old cassette tape of mine (yes a cassette tape) with a segment from their KLSX show from sometime in 1997. 

In this segment:  A 33 year old Tim is in a bit of trouble when he can't find his rent receipts--he paid in cash.  THE Tim Conway calls in to give his son some "support". Tim keeps his personal belongings in paper bags from Trader Joe's in which people often mistake for trash.

This is, in a way, my tribute to them. Great team. Great show. A total inspiration to me. Sorry for the tape dropouts. This is all I have of their classic show. Enjoy.

DOWNLOAD HERE. (Right-click and save)

Old 97.1 Logo

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 June 2009 18:54
Show #18 - "All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Ventura   
Saturday, 30 May 2009 17:53

From 5/29/09: Laura and I get together to discuss a couple of subjects. First up: An update on what I've been up to over the past couple of weeks.  Second: We learn about Laura's job which leads us into memories of life in elementary school.

Listen on iTunes or if you can't, Download here (right-click and save).
Don't want to download? Click here to stream it!

Chris at the mic for show 18.

Laura and her giant pen.

Poor man's Crayola crayons?

Vicki the Robot

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 September 2009 01:55
Show #17 - "Police Chases Are Fun While Miss California Is Dumb" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Ventura   
Thursday, 14 May 2009 21:32

From 5/14/09: Oscar stops by and we discuss the crazy police chase in L.A. on Wednesday afternoon. Later, we vent a little on the Miss California debacle.

Listen on iTunes or if you can't, Download here (right-click and save).
Don't want to download? Click here to stream it!

Chris at the mic.


Oscar explaining his position.

Show Related Links:

Police Chase From Wednesday - Suspect Kicked In Head.

Miss California - "Waaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Oscar's Brother's Band: Punk Bunny!

Don't forget to check out another podcast and friend of the show: The Kevin York Show

Kevin's back today with an all-new show!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 September 2009 01:58
Show #16 - "Cinco de Mayo Show (Theater of the Mind #1)" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Ventura   
Wednesday, 06 May 2009 18:43

From 5/6/09: Having recovered from my Cinco de Mayo celebrating, I've finally managed to upload the show--a little too much celebrating last night!  Take a listen to hear how this eventful show went...even if it never really happened.

Chris, taping on Cinco de Mayo.

Listen on iTunes or if you can't, Download here (right-click and save).
Don't want to download? Click here to stream it!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 September 2009 01:56
Another Podcast Coming Up... PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Venura   
Tuesday, 05 May 2009 18:24

Show #16 "Cinco de Mayo Show (Theater of the Mind I)"

Coming late Wednesday afternoon!

In the meantime, check out another cool show, a friend of "The Chris Ventura Show": http://www.kevinyorkshow.com

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