The Chris Ventura Show

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Daily life observed and everyday topics dissected.

A comical look at life and various everyday topics examined by the twenty/thirty-somethingish Chris Ventura from Southern California--with the random assistance of various friend co-hosts and crew, produced in the style of FM talk radio.

Download Show #43 - Sour Apple Pucker 06-06-2012 (34.63 MB)

Duration: 37:50 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 128 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

Show #43 - Sour Apple Pucker

  • Released 6/6/12: Taped June 2nd, 2012. I'm joined by Kat, discussing (somewhat sourly and bitterly) a little bit about how I feel as I've grown older. I shockingly reveal my age--listen carefully. Kat reads a poem she's written. I discuss a story relating to why I was featured on an internet blog. We debut our big-budget series "Alley Kat Tales." The show wraps up with some sour-note karaoke with a few close friends. Drink up and enjoy!


    Keywords: Chris Ventura, Chris, Ventura, Chris Ventura Show, Kat, Katherine, Interview, Podcast, FM Talk, Los Angeles, hipsters, alcohol, sour apple, sour apple pucker, drunken couponer, alley kat tales, alley cat, poetry, poem, poetry corner, karaoke,