The Chris Ventura Show

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Daily life observed and everyday topics dissected.

A comical look at life and various everyday topics examined by the twenty/thirty-somethingish Chris Ventura from Southern California--with the random assistance of various friend co-hosts and crew, produced in the style of FM talk radio.

Download Show #36 - Team Leno or Team Conan? 01-14-2010 (49.9 MB)

Duration: 62:17 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 112 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

Show #36 - Team Leno or Team Conan?

  • From 1/13/10: So are you on TEAM LENO or TEAM CONAN? Laura and I get together to catch up after not seeing eachother for a couple of months. "Catching up" lasts for about 5 minutes, after which, we proceed into an hour debate over Leno and Conan.


    Keywords: chris, ventura, show, chris ventura show, los angeles, radio show, fm talk, southern california, jay leno, conan o'brien, late-night tv, nbc, nbc sucks